% ============================================================================
% GetAcceleration.m
% Author: Brent Dingle, Ph.D.
% Creation Date: 2020
% rock.thrust MUST be set correctly before calling this function
% rock.fuelMass also assumed to be updated as needed (and non-negative)
% ============================================================================
function a = GetAcceleration (sim, rock)
% gravity may vary with height
g = GetGravity(sim, rock.height);
% Most of our force is thrust
% As we have takeoff and landing, thrust is calculated before
% calling this function, and stored in rocket structure
force = rock.thrust;
% We estimate the mass as what it was at beginning of time step (dt)
% Because dt should be small, this small error is acceptable
% Use smaller time steps to get a better integration / less error
% Or use another method of integration (not Euler)
% Fuel mass expected to be updated in UpdateRocket() each time step
m = rock.baseMass + rock.fuelMass; % kg
% Drag is our other contributor to total force
d = GetDrag(sim, rock);
% Adjust sign depending on rocket's vertical direction of motion
if (rock.vel < 0)
d = -1 * d;
% 'blips' in acceleration may be caused by discountinuities in
% gravity or drag --- see GetGravity and GetDrag functions
% Perform actual acceleration calculation, and return result
a = (force - m*g - d)/m; % totalF = ma --> a = totalF/m