% ============================================================================
% GetThrustForDescent.m
% Author: Brent Dingle, Ph.D.
% Creation Date: 2020
% Note, if we run out of fuel then what we calculate here won't matter
% as there will be no fuel to create thrust
% See also InitLandingController1.m for explanation of some details
% TODO: There is also likley a maximum thrust a given engine
% could physically achieve
% TODO: Scrap all this and use a target velocity based
% on distance from target height.
% No modes, just always checking distance
% (or change in distance from previous step?)
% ============================================================================
function guide = GetThrustForDescent(sim, rock, ctrl)
% Init return value to zero
thrust = 0;
guide.farCorrectionEnabled = false;
% The closer we are to target height the more we want velocity to be zero
% We assume we are falling towards that desired height (we start above it)
% How far are we from hover height?
errorHeight = rock.height - ctrl.heightDesired;
% The distances used here depend on maximum thrust and mass
% They are landing control parameters
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% If we are 'far' away, let gravity pull us down -up to a max velocity
% We then correct to a desired velocity and then allow free fall again
% Idea is to constrain ourselves to a range of velocity
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (errorHeight >= ctrl.farDistance)
% As long as we don't exceed a maximum velocity, we keep free falling
thrust = 0; % stay in free fall
% These velocities are non-positive numbers for downward direction
% So comparison signs may seem backwards
if (rock.vel < ctrl.farVelMax)
ctrl.farCorrectionEnabled = true;
if ( (ctrl.farCorrectionEnabled == true) && (rock.vel < ctrl.farVelTarget) )
errorVel = ctrl.farVelTarget - rock.vel; % small neg - big neg = positive number
% First adjust to match our desired velocity
% if gain == 1, we are aggressively matching to our desired velocity
% if gain == 0, we are not trying at all
nThrust = ctrl.farGain * errorVel;
% Note, if error is 0 then we still have to adjust for gravity
% So we add enough thrust to counteract gravity too
% This achieves a 'constant' velocity by canceling acceleration from gravity
g = GetGravity(sim, rock.height);
totalMass = rock.baseMass + rock.fuelMass;
thrust = nThrust + totalMass * g; % return value is a Force so add F=mg to thrust
%thrust = 0.9 * thrust; % this is to ensure we don't oscillate in corrections here -- deliberate fail to correct gravity
if (errorVel < 0.5) % within 0.5 m/s of target velocity
ctrl.farCorrectionEnabled = false;
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Else if we are >= medDistance and < farDistance
% Then we must start slowing down, if we have not already
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif (errorHeight >= ctrl.medDistance)
errorVel = ctrl.medVelocity - rock.vel; % small neg - big neg = positive number
nThrust = ctrl.medGain * errorVel;
% Note, if error is 0 then we still have to adjust for gravity
% So we add enough thrust to counteract gravity too
% This achieves a 'constant' velocity by canceling acceleration from gravity
g = GetGravity(sim, rock.height);
totalMass = rock.baseMass + rock.fuelMass;
thrust = nThrust + totalMass * g; % return value is a Force so add F=mg to thrust
% thrust = 0.9 * thrust; % -- deliberate fail to correct gravity
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Else if we are >= shortDistance and < medDistance
% Then we must start slowing down, if we have not already
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif (errorHeight >= ctrl.shortDistance)
errorVel = ctrl.shortVelocity - rock.vel; % small neg - big neg = positive number
nThrust = ctrl.shortGain * errorVel;
% Note, if error is 0 then we still have to adjust for gravity
% So we add enough thrust to counteract gravity too
% This achieves a 'constant' velocity by canceling acceleration from gravity
g = GetGravity(sim, rock.height);
totalMass = rock.baseMass + rock.fuelMass;
thrust = nThrust + totalMass * g; % return value is a Force so add F=mg to thrust
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Else if we are >= smallDistance and < shortDistance
% Then we must continue slowing down
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
elseif (errorHeight >= ctrl.smallDistance)
errorVel = ctrl.smallVelocity - rock.vel; % small neg - big neg = positive number
nThrust = ctrl.smallGain * errorVel;
% Note, if error is 0 then we still have to adjust for gravity
% So we add enough thrust to counteract gravity too
% This achieves a 'constant' velocity by canceling acceleration from gravity
g = GetGravity(sim, rock.height);
totalMass = rock.baseMass + rock.fuelMass;
thrust = nThrust + totalMass * g; % return value is a Force so add F=mg to thrust
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Else if we are >= hoverDistance and < smallDistance
% Then we must be very near or hover velocity (likely 0)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
else %if (errorHeight >= ctrl.hoverDistance)
errorVel = ctrl.hoverVelocity - rock.vel; % small neg - big neg = positive number
nThrust = ctrl.hoverGain * errorVel;
% Note, if error is 0 then we still have to adjust for gravity
% So we add enough thrust to counteract gravity too
% This achieves a 'constant' velocity by canceling acceleration from gravity
g = GetGravity(sim, rock.height);
totalMass = rock.baseMass + rock.fuelMass;
thrust = nThrust + totalMass * g; % return value is a Force so add F=mg to thrust
% TODO: check if thrust has exceeded a maxiumum possible for current engine
% if (thrust > max) then thrust = max
% guide structure is used to pass back multiple return values
guide.thrust = thrust;
guide.farCorrectionEnabled = ctrl.farCorrectionEnabled;
%guide.isSlowing = rock.isSlowing;
%guide.slowStart = rock.slowStart;