% ============================================================================
% InitLandingController.m
% Author: Brent Dingle, Ph.D.
% Creation Date: 2020
% Originally intent was to achieve a desired velocity after intial burn.
% This allowed for hovering at trajectory apex.
% Functions have now been altered to allow a height to be hovered at.
% ASSUMPTION: initial burn puts us ABOVE the desired hover height
% Additional background can be found at the end of this file
% ============================================================================
function lander = InitLandingController(sim, rock)
% --- improved GetThrustForDescent
lander.heightDesired = 0.0; % m -> height that desired velocity will be 0
lander.farDistance = 25; % m -> if we are greater than this distance what do we do?
lander.farVelMax = -30; % m/s -> max velocity (to deactivate: choose > terminal vel?)
lander.farVelTarget = -10; % m/s -> target velocity (to deactivate: choose terminal vel?)
lander.farGain = 1.9; % how aggressively to get to farVelTarget
lander.farCorrectionEnabled = false;
lander.medDistance = 15; % m -> mostly in free fall until rocket is between medium and far distance
lander.medVelocity = -10; % m/s -> desired velocity if between medium and far distance
lander.medGain = 2.0; % how aggressively to get to medVelocity
lander.shortDistance = 7; % m
lander.shortVelocity = -4; % m/s -> desired velocity if between short and medium distance
lander.shortGain = 2.0; % how aggressively to get to shortVelocity
lander.smallDistance = 2; % m
lander.smallVelocity = -2; % m/s -> desired velocity if between short and medium distance
lander.smallGain = 2.5; % how aggressively to get to smallVelocity
lander.hoverDistance = 0; % m
lander.hoverVelocity = 0; % m/s -> desired velocity if between hover and short distance
lander.hoverGain = 3.0; % how aggressively to get to hoverVelocity