//Array Passer //Demonstrates relationship between pointers and arrays #include using namespace std; void increase(int* const arrayName, const int arraySize); void display(const int* const arrayName, const int arraySize); int main() { cout << "Creating a scoreArray of high scores.\n\n"; const int NUM_SCORES = 3; int highScores[NUM_SCORES] = {5000, 3500, 2700}; cout << "Displaying scores using scoreArray name as a constant pointer.\n"; cout << *highScores << endl; cout << *(highScores + 1) << endl; cout << *(highScores + 2) << "\n\n"; cout << "Increasing scores by passing scoreArray as a constant pointer.\n\n"; increase(highScores, NUM_SCORES); cout << "Displaying scores by passing scoreArray as a constant pointer to a constant.\n"; display(highScores, NUM_SCORES); return 0; } void increase(int* const arrayName, const int arraySize) { for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) { arrayName[i] += 500; } } void display(const int* const arrayName, const int arraySize) { for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) { cout << arrayName[i] << endl; } }