Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110                                           Brent Dingle

                                                 Friday, January 25, 2002



Homework and Quiz next week in lab.


Recall Algorithm Definition.


Recall Program Definition.


Card Trick:

            Determine 2 unknown numbers via some ‘magic’

            (2a + 5) * 5 + b – ???? reveals a and b.


Program Design to perform trick

            Problem Solve phase

                        Prob definition

Find a and b using some math properties

            Design phase

                                    Write out algorithm

            Test phase

                                    Prove it will always work


            Implementation phase

                        Code Algorithm

                                    Write it out in Pascal


                                                            PROGRAM, BEGIN, END = reserved words

program name = identifier

                                                Variable = identifiers

                                                            Writeln, Readln = standard identifiers

                                                            Each line is a program statement

                                                            Assignment operator, :=

                                                                        (assignment statement)

                                                            Variable types:

                                                            Ask for user name (String)

                                                            Ask for final number (integer)


                                                            can be stuff on right side of :=

                                                            (math expressions)

                        Test code

                                    Run it on random input data