Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110                               Brent Dingle

                                    Wednesday, January 30, 2002



Quiz is Wed. and Thurs. in lab.

Lab Assignment 2 is due Feb 6 and 7



Input functions:

Read and Readln  (mostly use Readln in this class)

Output functions:

                                Write and Writeln

Assignment operator is :=


Type compatibility (example: real = int is ok,   int = real is NOT)


3 Types of errors:

1.        Syntax errors are violations of the syntax (grammar) rules of the programming language. 

2.        Runtime errors occur when a program is running (EX: division by zero)

3.        Logical errors are mistakes in the algorithm itself.


New Stuff for today – Almost all of Chapter 3

            Robustness – how well does the program deal with the unexpected/exceptional.

Software Life Cycle – 6 Phases

§         Analysis and task specification.

§         Design of the software.

§         Implementation (coding).

§         Testing.

§         Maintenance and evolution of the system.

§         Obsolescence.

Comparison Operators ( <, <=, =, >=, >, <> )

Boolean Expression   (x = 5)

                AND, OR, NOT

Conditional Statements   (if statements)

While Loops



Compound statements – definition (multiple statements between begin and end)


If – Example:

Say we wanted to see if someone’s name was Hampton and if it is we need to tell them something. We would need to write a program to ask for the person’s name and check if it was Hampton. If it was we would tell them something. Otherwise we do nothing.


Loop example:

Suppose there were many people we might need to ask the name of – would we want to run the program many times? or just once? Here we modify the above example to use a while loop instead of an if statement. This program would run ‘forever’ or until Hampton was found.


Next Class (little tiny part of Chap. 3 and then 12.1 and 12.2)

         some predefined functions (like writeln and readln are predefined proecedures)

         inputing and outputting to and from (text) files