Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110                                Brent Dingle

                                    Friday, February 1, 2002


Lab Assignment 2 is due Feb 6 and 7



                Robustness, Software Life Cycle – 6 phases,  Comparison Operators,

                String variable type and char variable type

                Boolean Expressions, Conditional Statements (if statements), While Loops


Side note on char and string à chars are ONE symbol, strings are zero to 255 chars.

You may specify the max length of a string using square brackets, e.g.


                test_str : string[30];

Would limit test_str to being 0 to 30 characters long. IF you store something longer than 30 chars in test_str, bad things (like memory corruption) happen.


Your Tasks for this weekend:

Find out what the built in functions do: sqrt, abs, round, trunc, sqr, ln, exp. Review MOD and DIV


New Stuff for today – summary of ifs and whiles, intro to file I/O

Recall Boolean Expressions were expressions that evaluate to TRUE or FALSE.

For example:          5 = 5 is true.

                                ‘a’ = ‘A’ is false

                                ‘Paul’ = ‘paul’ is false

                                5.30 = 5.3 is true       (though doing equality compares on reals can cause errors)

                                3 < 27 is true,  and so on.


The simple if:

IF (Boolean expression evaluates to true) THEN        ß notice NO semi-colon


                Do this stuff;



The simple while:

WHILE (Boolean expression evaluates to true) DO    ß again NO semi-colon


                Do this stuff;



Aside: IF you want ONLY ONE statement done if/while the Boolean expression is true then the ‘begins’ and ‘ends’ are optional. For ‘good’ programming always use them.


Loops have EXIT conditions.

The Exit condition of a WHILE loop occurs when its Boolean expression becomes false.


Definition: When you have begins and ends associated with ifs and loops the stuff starting with the begin and ending with the end is referred to as a compound statement. See the book for a more formal def.


FILE Input/Output Commands (i.e. file I/O):

assign, reset, rewrite, append, close

new variable type à TEXT

Some example posted on the web:
maketext.pas,  readtext.pas, read_in.txt,  askread.pas, loopread.pas, loop_in.txt, eofread.pas,  eof_in.txt.