Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110                               Brent Dingle

                                    Monday, February 11, 2002


Quiz #2 in class, Wednesday February 13th


Remember stuff from Friday about nested if’s.


New Stuff for today



While loops exit condition is when expression evals to false.

Repeat until loops exit condition is when the expression evals to true

For loops just count from one number to another number


ONLY a repeat-until loop is guaranteed to execute at least one time.

Infinite loops are loops that never terminate


Much of the time loops are based on numbers (integers and counting) but not always.


Several examples of equivalent loops of each type shown (i.e. a while loop that counts to 5, a repeat loop that counts to 5 and a for loop that counts to 5 – or something along those lines)


Misc stuff:

CONST  -- constant declarations



Type real assignments:



   r : real;


   r := .73;    { this line fails }

   r := 0.73;   { this line works }




Next time

Quiz in class, be prepared