Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110                                Brent Dingle

                                    Friday, February 15, 2002


Start working on Lab Assign 4, Next quiz should be shorter – really =)



So far have seen while-do, repeat-until and for loops using numbers. And succ() and pred()


New Stuff for today

We will see loops based on characters.

We will see that loops can iterate on any type that has order and can be counted with integers.

We may see some nested loops.


Structure of each loop type

Loops using chars as control

Note while and repeat can use complex Boolean expressions

Simple Example of each type – not overlapping, but illustrate when to use each type.


For loops usage:

I know I have N items and I want to do the same thing to all of them.

Say I have 10 baseball cards I want to sell. They each already are priced, but no one will buy them, because they are too expensive. So I want to decrease the price of all of them by 10%.

For i := 1 to 10 do


   reduce baseball card number i’s price by 10%.



A while loop can be used more diversely – notice it might not always need to execute.

Consider that someone gives you a list of people’s names (which might have zero to an unknown number of names on it) and asks you to find out if Johnny Bravo is on the list.

cur_name := ‘nothing’;

While ( (not at end of list) and (cur_name <> ’Johnny Bravo’) do


   set cur_name = next name on list



A repeat loop always gets done at least once and can also use complex Boolean expressions.

Let’s consider a guy’s mentality on getting to go out on a date:

Say he likes a girl name Betty, he will try to ask her out at least once no matter what.


   ask Betty out

until (Betty gets a restraining order)  OR  (Betty says yes)


Some definitions:

Assertions – pre and postconditions

Invariants – stuff that does not change (value) when a loop is executing

Variants – stuff that does change when a loop is executing



Next time

Beginning of top-down design