Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110                               Brent Dingle

                                    Friday, April 5, 2002


Assignment 6 – do NOT use arrays (even though we talk about them today), begin working on it now if not already.

Quiz 5 is Wed April 10

Don’t forget to write up the CS history report.


Last time:

Chapter 9 – arrays and strings


Notice there are some built in functions that operate on strings. Look them up.

Minimally understand and be able to use:


pos, delete, insert, length, copy, upcase


I suggest writing practice programs to see what they do and how to use them.


Remember strings indexing starts at ONE!




Chapter 10 – sorting

Effectively what is about to be presented is based on a Bubble Sort

Below is the Pseudo Code to sort items on shelves

-         say each shelf had fruit on it

-         and you wanted to alphabetize the fruits by shelf

-         so apples are on the top shelf

-         bananas are on the next shelf

-         oranges are somewhere in the middle, etc




   i, k  : integer;


   for i := 1 to NUM_SHELVES do


   for k := i + 1 to NUM_SHELVES do


         if (contents of shelf[ k ] <  shelf[ i ]) then


            Exchange(shelf[i],  shelf [k]);


      End  { for j }

   END { for i }




So the picture might be:


Shelf 1:            Oranges

Shelf 2: Apples

Shelf 3:            Bananas


The algorithm would first exchange Oranges with Apples:

Shelf 1: Apples

Shelf 2:            Oranges

Shelf 3:            Bananas


Then the algorithm would first exchange Oranges with Bananas:

Shelf 1: Apples

Shelf 2:            Bananas

Shelf 3:            Oranges


And then the algorithm would be done.



Try doing the same thing with names on a shelf.

Assume the initial order is:


Shelf 1: Bob

Shelf 2:            Jonathan

Shelf 3: Jane

Shelf 4: Curly

Shelf 5: John

Shelf 6: Karla

Shelf 7:            Christina

Shelf 8: Snoopy

Shelf 9: Alice

Shelf 10:            Ann

Shelf 11:            Paul

Shelf 12:            Mary