Class Crib Notes for CPSC 110 Brent Dingle
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
6 is Wed April 24
forget to write up the CS history report.
out the sample programs: parallel.pas and alpha.pas for help on Lab 7.
Last time:
Parallel Arrays (Chapter 10)
MAX_STUDS = 100;
NameAry = array[1..MAX_STUDS] of string;
TestAry = array[1..MAX_STUDS] of real;
Name : NameAry;
Test : TestAry;
Which links a student name and his/her test score by the index number into the array.
For example
If Name[3] = Mary and Test[3] = 98
Then we conclude Mary received an 98 on the test.
But what if there were multiple tests?
Chapter 10 – array of arrays and multidimensional arrays
Maybe get into a program to alphabetize an array of names (see alpha.pas on the Web)
Multi-Dimensional Arrays:
So again what if each student took 3 tests? Do we want to make 3 arrays of type test? As shown below?
MAX_STUDS = 100;
NameAry = array[1..MAX_STUDS] of string;
TestAry = array[1..MAX_STUDS] of real;
Name : NameAry;
Test1 : TestAry;
Test2 : TestAry;
Test3 : TestAry;
Probably not. Instead we will make a 2 dimensional array. The first index will refer to the student’s associated index. And the second number will be the test number (e.g. Name[3] is Mary, So Test[3][i] is the score of the i-th test Mary took)
To set that up we would use the following:
MAX_STUDS = 100;
NameAry = array[1..MAX_STUDS] of string;
Test2DAry = array[1..MAX_STUDS, 1..MAX_TESTS] of real;
Name : NameAry;
Test : Test2DAry;
So we would have a setup as follows:
index |
Name[index] |
1 |
Bob |
2 |
Sally |
3 |
Mary |
4 |
John |
So student 1 is Bob, student 2 is Sally, student 3 is Mary, student 4 is John.
Our Test array would look like this:
Test 1 |
Test 2 |
Test 3 |
Student 1 |
87.5 |
88.3 |
90 |
Student 2 |
54 |
60 |
73 |
Student 3 |
98 |
87 |
80 |
Student 4 |
78 |
84 |
82 |
Our indexing is in ROW-MAJOR order so the ROW is the first index, in this case the student number. So
Test[3][2] = 87 which means Student 3 (who is Mary) scored 87 on test #2.
Test[3][1] = 98 which means Student 3 (who is Mary) scored 98 on test #1.
Test[3][3] = 80 which means Student 3 (who is Mary) scored 80 on test #3.
Test[4][1] = 78 which means Student 3 (who is John) scored 78 on test #1.
Test[4][2] = 84 which means Student 3 (who is John) scored 84 on test #2.
Test[4][3] = 82 which means Student 3 (who is John) scored 82 on test #3.
And so on.
Arrays of Arrays:
Example 1:
MAX_STUDS = 100;
NameAry =
array[1..MAX_STUDS] of string;
Name :
Recall strings are really ‘fancy’ arrays so the
above variable Name is an array of arrays.
For example if Name[5] = ‘Robert Jones’
then we refer to the 3rd character of
Name[5] by using the following notation:
Example 2:
Consider a large company (like Sears) of department
stores. Each store has the same departments, for example a shoe depart, a
children’s department, a women’s department and a men’s department. You might
want to create an array for a single store to hold the income of each
department in a given day:
DeptNameType = (Shoes, Children, Women, Men);
StoreSalesAry = array[DeptNameType] of real;
: StoreSalesAry;
So StoreSales[Shoes] will tell you how much the shoe
department made.
StoreSales[Children] will tell you how much the
children’s department made
and so on.
That works fine for an individual store. But you are
the company president and want to know the overall status of all your stores
(by department). So you might want to know how much store #1’s shoe department
made versus store #5’s shoe department.
This requires the use of an array of arrays:
DeptNameType = (Shoes, Children, Women, Men);
StoreSalesAry = array[DeptNameType] of real;
CompanySalesAry = array[1..MAX_COMPANIES] of StoreSalesAry;
: CompanySalesAry;
CompSales[1][Shoes] will tell you how much the shoe
department of store #1 made.
CompSales[5][Shoes] will tell you how much the shoe
department of store #5 made.
CompSales[3][Men] will tell you how much the men’s department of company 3 made.
CompSales[7][Men] will tell you how much the men’s department of company 7 made.