Quiz Review,  CPSC 110,

Some things you should know: 


This is NOT an all encompassing list, but it should help.


  1. Your Name, Your ID, Your Section Number
  2. General stuff about DOS, wildcards, directory structure, some of the commands, root directory, etc
  3. General stuff about computer hardware and accessories (I/O devices etc)
  4. What a full and relative path are.
  5. Blaise Pascal was who?  Niklaus Wirth was who?
    Charles Babbage was who? Ada Augusta was who?
  6. What pseudo code is.
  7. Number of bits in a byte, Number of bytes in a kilobyte etc.
  8. Binary numbers and decimal numbers.
  9. This class is about Problem Solving (in a structured way (using Turbo Pascal) ).
  10. What are reserved words? What are identifiers? What are variables? Give examples.
  11. Variables are one type of identifier, what does this have to do with the Name of a program?
  12. What are the restrictions on variable names (i.e. how do you know if Pascal will accept a variable name, what can they start with, how long can they be, etc)
  13. What are some data types in Turbo Pascal? Give examples of usage.
  14. Read, Readln, Write, Writeln are what? How do you use them?
  15. What are statements in Pascal?  What are compound statements in Pascal?
  16. So far what is the layout of a Pascal program?
  17. What is an expression in Pascal? (Are they found in if statements? while statements? assignment statements? etc)
  18. Understand MOD and DIV.
  19. Understand IF and IF-ELSE and IF-ELSE IF-ELSE (for now don’t worry too much about CASE)
  20. Understand Loops (particularly WHILE loops)
  21. Error Types (and relation to compiler and programmer and user )
  23. Be able to determine the output of a given program – see the book for examples.
  24. Other things talked about in class and/or in lab and/or homework and/or some from the book.