Quiz 3 Review, CPSC 110,
Some things you
should know:
This is NOT an all
encompassing list, but it should help.
- Your Name, Your ID, Your Section Number
- What pseudo code is.
- Number of bits in a byte, Number of
bytes in a kilobyte etc.
- Binary numbers and decimal numbers.
- This class is about Problem Solving (in
a structured way (using Turbo Pascal) ).
- Read, Readln, Write, Writeln are what?
How do you use them?
- What is an expression in Pascal? (Are
they found in if statements? while statements? assignment statements? etc)
- Be able to evaluate Boolean expressions.
- Understand MOD and DIV.
- What is a CONST? Where are they
used/defined in a Pascal program?
- Understand Loops (particularly WHILE and
FOR loops, a little bit about REPEATs)
- What is a control variable?
- How do you increment or decrement a
character variable (see pred and ????)
- What is a parameter? What are the types
of parameters?
- What is the difference between an actual
variable parameter and an actual value parameter?
- What is the difference between a formal
variable parameter and a formal value parameter?
- Understand CASE statements.
- Be able to WRITE A PROGRAM
FROM SCRATCH – or at least
fill in blanks for one.
- Be able to determine the output of a
given program – see the book for examples.
- Other things talked about in class
and/or in lab and/or homework and/or some from the book.