Quiz 6 Review,  CPSC 110,

Some things you should know: 

This is NOT an all encompassing list, but it should help.

  1. Your Name.
  2. Your ID.
  3. Your Section Number.
  4. Your TA’s name.
  5. A queue is a __________ in _________ out data structure.
  6. A stack is a __________ in _________ out data structure.
  7. What is TYPE? Where is it used in a Pascal program? What does it do?
  8. How do you declare a variable of a type you just defined?
  9. Understand Loops (Whiles, Fors, and Repeats)
  10. Be able to read and write programs using functions and procedures.
  11. Understand Arrays.
  12. What are arrays? How do you declare them.
  13. Be able to create a record structure. For example:
    Create a record type with the fields: name, id and test. Where name is type string, id is type string and test is type real (or an array type). Also create a type STUD_ARY which is an array of STUD_REC indexing from 1 to MAX_STUD.
    Also declare a variable Student of type STUD_ARY.
  14. Be able to create a loop which can set the values of a given array. Recall strings can be treated as arrays. For example:
    Write a Pascal program that uses a while-loop that will initialize an array of data type real indexed from 1 to 10 so that every member of the array has the value -1.
    For example:
    Write a Pascal procedure that will take one string parameter and convert it to all uppercase letters. (Recall functions: length() and upcase).
  15. Be able to determine the output of a given program – see the book for examples.
  16. Be able to WRITE A PROGRAM FROM SCRATCH – or at least fill in blanks for one.
  17. Other things talked about in class and/or in lab and/or homework and/or some from the book.