Quiz 6 Review, CPSC 110,
Some things you
should know:
This is NOT an all
encompassing list, but it should help.
- Your Name.
- Your ID.
- Your Section Number.
- Your TA’s name.
- A queue is a __________ in _________ out
data structure.
- A stack is a __________ in _________ out
data structure.
- What is TYPE? Where is it used in a
Pascal program? What does it do?
- How do you declare a variable of a type
you just defined?
- Understand Loops (Whiles, Fors, and
- Be able to read and write programs using
functions and procedures.
- Understand Arrays.
- What are arrays? How do you declare
- Be able to create a record structure.
For example:
Create a record type with the fields: name, id and test. Where name is
type string, id is type string and test is type real (or an array type).
Also create a type STUD_ARY which is an array of STUD_REC indexing from 1
Also declare a variable Student of type STUD_ARY.
- Be able to create a loop which can set
the values of a given array. Recall
strings can be treated as arrays. For example:
Write a Pascal program that uses a while-loop that will initialize an
array of data type real indexed from 1 to 10 so that every member of the
array has the value -1.
For example:
Write a Pascal procedure that will take one string parameter and convert
it to all uppercase letters. (Recall functions: length() and upcase).
- Be able to determine the output of a
given program – see the book for examples.
- Be able to WRITE A PROGRAM
FROM SCRATCH – or at least
fill in blanks for one.
- Other things talked about in class
and/or in lab and/or homework and/or some from the book.