Simplex Method Tool
This program is really easy to use. Press the [example] button to get an
example of input, then press the [solve] button to see how stuff gets output.
While that should be enough to get you started there are a couple things you
need to know:
- Do NOT use commas in numbers.
For example do NOT enter 987,000 when you mean 987000
- The words 'maximize' and 'constrained by' are required in the entry.
- You may put each inequality on its own line, or just seperate them with semicolons.
For example:
Maximize P = 2x + 3y constrained by x - y <= 43; 5x + 2y >= 10
will work.
- Decimal mode displays all the tableaus (and results) as decimals, rounded to the specified number of significant digits.
- Fraction mode will convert all decimals to fractions and will display everything as fractions.
This program is based on one originally written by
Dr. Stefan Waner and Dr. Steven R. Costenoble