Download all the unit 1 examples together or in smaller chunks:
- Example 1 - for getting things started
- Examples 2 and 3 - demonstrating various ways to modify values of variables, more on input/output, and the use of constants and enumerated types
- Examples 4, 5, and 6 - lost gold, menu chooser, number guesser
- Counter.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- StringTester.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Inventory.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Simple TicTacToe.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Inventory2.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Inventory3.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- HighScores.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- EX014_MakeFileDemo: .zip file or tar.gz file
- EX015_Student class and UML example: pdf description and/or Starter code and solution
- EX016_Instructor class and UML example: pdf description and/or Starter code and solution
- Referencing.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Swap.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- InventDisplay.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Intermediate TicTacToe.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Swap Pointer Version.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Inventory with Pointers.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Passing Arrays.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- TicTacToe with Pointers.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Critter Friends.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Heap.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Copy Constructor.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- SimpleBoss.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Constructor Call Order.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Boss Override.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Polymorphing Bad Guy.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Creatures in the Abstract.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Adders.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- Adders Template.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)
- clockTest.cpp as a text file (remove .txt extension)