CPSC 110 - Lecture Notes, Brent Dingle
(c)opyright 2002 - 2003 Brent M. Dingle
The notes presented here are to be taken as JUST AN OUTLINE
of what may or may not have been discussed in class. They are
put here to aid you in studying for the tests and quizzes, and
hopefully will assist you in learning the material.
These notes are NOT a substitute for attending class.
Printing them out and bringing them to class may aid you
in taking notes - I strongly encourage this.
All material herein is copyrighted to Brent M. Dingle 2002.
Any duplication printed, electronic or otherwise of this material
without his written consent is a violation of copyright law.
The division into weeks is a rough estimation. Attend class
to discover where we really are.
- Week 1, Introductions
During this week you should learn who I am, what the class is,
what DOS is and how to use it, and some vocabulary terms.
And maybe along the way you might learn a little about
how computers work.
- Week 2, The Basics
During this week you should learn how to write simple programs.
Please attend lab and make that statement a reality.
Your first step is to learn the structure of a Pascal program.
The next is understanding the statements: Read, Readln, Write, Writeln.
With this you will gain an understanding of what variables are in Computer Science.
- Week 3, Making mistakes and getting fancy
This week you will discover that there is a theoretical way to
program correctly. You will also hear the word ERROR. With error
goes syntax, runtime and logical.
You will also discover this week how to create a program that can
decide between two choices.
You may even learn how to make a program do a task repeatedly, in
a looping fashion.
Lastly, if you are so lucky, you will be shown the commands to
direct your output to a file on disk, rather than just to the
boring monitor screen.
- Week 4, Acting on truths or not
This week we will clean up anything from the previous week and then
spend time discussing Boolean Expressions and improving the
decision making abilities of our programs.
- Week 5, Feeling Loopy
This week is all about going in circles - repeatedly, no I mean
really, repeatedly, yes say it again...
- Week 6, The Breakdown
Here we wind out of our loops and discover that we can break
our tasks up into smaller pieces. Thus we need not keep typing
the same code over and over again.
- Week 7, The Breakdown Continues with Scope (good thing spring is near)
This week we continue breaking our straightline code into more
manageable pieces. We also discuss a little more on identifiers,
who thought being global was such a big thing?
- Week 8, Review and Study
- Your MIDTERM is this Wednesday - March 6
- Should be doing a review on Monday - depending on how far we've gotten.
- Chapter 5, Functions - Maybe
- SPRING BREAK - March 11-15
- Week 9, Pieces Returning
Here we will discuss fancier(?) procedures, called functions. We will also
look at how we might create a library of procedures and functions and
store them in a Unit.
Once we have that going we will see that there are more things in Pascal
than just integers and characters. We can make our own types.
- Week 10, Indexed Lists
Hey! Now we can put stuff onto numbered shelves.
- Should be a quiz this week IN CLASS!
- Monday cribs.
- Wednesday - Quiz
- Friday - no class (Good Friday)
- Week 11, Our numbered shelves can be useful.
- Week 12, Wow! Variables in all kinds of directions!
- Should be a quiz this week IN CLASS!
- Monday cribs - see the sample code section - programs sumthem, readsum, readsum2...
Maybe I will post readsum3 also (it doesn't exist at the moment).
do NOT use arrays for your assignment.
- Cribs - went over homework on Monday, quiz on Wednesday, nothing significant done on Friday - too many people missing.
- Week 13
- Week 14 - to be determined, expect a quiz this week
- Week 15 - Last 2 days
- Monday - review for final, bring questions.
- Tuesday (remapped day) - review for final, bring questions.