Doc Dingle's Website
Brent M. Dingle, Ph.D.

All Papers by Brent Dingle, Ph.D.

Below is a complete list, also available is a list of just peer-reviewed papers.

Business Papers: Creating Programs and Building Tools

  • Planning a Game Design Course Curriculum
    Report paper, Brent M Dingle, 2015.         [pdf]
  • Building Single-Node Large-Scale Display Systems
    Whitepaper, Brent M. Dingle, 2019.         [pdf]

Human Computer Interaction (Manufacturing and Engineering)

  • Using Machine Learning to Focus on an Object of Interest During Remote Collaboration
    2022 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2022, pp. 1-7,
    doi: 10.1109/RAMS51457.2022.9893926

    co-authors: J.C. Eubanks, K. Janasak, A. Link, and A. Moore
  • 3D RAM Modeling & Simulation in a Model Based Systems Environment
    2020 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2020, pp. 1-6,
    doi: 10.1109/RAMS48030.2020.9153644

    co-authors: J.C. Eubanks and K. Janasak
  • Augmented Reality: Into the Factory and Beyond
    In Technology Today, Issue 1, pp. 16 – 21
    co-authors: Keith Janasak, John Cogliandro, Adam Feccia, and Kristen Stone
    [pdf Entire Issue] [pdf archived article]
    Older links may no longer work:
    [direct link] [news link]
    Aside note: In the same issue, in the article on DFMAs, there is a mention of Immersive Design Centers (IDCs). Page 26, Figure 3: The Immersive Design Center provides an ideal setting for cross-functional team collaboration. I am in the picture, leftmost person, and some of the work I did at the IDC in Tucson supported DFMAs (circa 2016-2018). This included helping design, build, and run the large visualization system shown in the picture.

Human Computer Interaction (Interfaces, Serious Games, Educational Games)

  • Teaching Strategic Lean Thinking Through Simulation Gaming
    In Journal of Online Engineering Education, Vol. 9, No. 2, Article 3
    co-authors: Thomas A. Lacksonen [pdf] [pre-print pdf]

    Game shot - All World Wheelchair
    PRE-Submission to ISERC Game
    ** NOTE: this game was only Tested with Google CHROME **

    • NOTE: This paper was originally reviewed and accepted to be in the Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. Lack of University funding prevented attendance and publication. It was accepted in 2018 to the Journal of Online Engineering and Education, with minimal changes.
  • The Trial of Galileo: a Game of Motion Graphs
    Proceedings of CHI PLAY '14, October 2014, pp.363-366
    co-authors: Kenneth Patterson, Ian Pommer, Michael N. Flaherty, Alicia Griesbach, Bryant Seiler, John Leitner, Dylan Tepp
    [pdf] [pre-print pdf]

    Game shot - Trial of Galileo
    PRE-Submission to CHI PLAY Game

    PRE-Submission to CHI PLAY Trailer

Simulation and Modeling (and Graphics)

  • Keyframing Particles of Physically-Based Systems
    Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics
    Winner of Robert Fletcher Prize for Best Application Paper and Presentation,
    co-author John Keyser, June 2005, pp.11-18: [pdf] [pre-print pdf]

  • Obtaining Fuzzy Representations of 3D Objects,
    TR-2005-11-6, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2005: [pdf]

  • Volumetric Particle Separating Planes for Collision Detection,
    TR-2004-12-4, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2004: [pdf]

  • Rigid Body Motion - An Introduction,
    TR-2004-12-2, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2004: [pdf]
    (this works well with Baraff's SIGGRAPH 1999 Course Notes).

  • Surface Reconstruction - A Connect the Dots Approach,
    Project Paper, CPSC 645, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2004: [pdf]

Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation

  • Designing a Multivariate Polynomial Class,
    TR-2004-07-04, Computer Science Department,
    Note: Appendix contains source code,
    Texas A&M University, 2004: [pdf]

  • Symbolic Determinants: Calculating the Degree,
    TR-2005-07-01, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2005: [pdf].

  • Multivariate Determinants Through Univariate Interpolation,
    TR-2005-07-02, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2005: [pdf].

  • Calculating Determinants of Symbolic and Numeric Matrices,
    TR-2005-11-04, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2005: [pdf].

  • Efficiently Evaluating a Polynomial Matrix,
    TR-2005-11-05, Computer Science Department,
    Texas A&M University, 2005: [pdf].

Graph Theory

  • Hamiltonian Cycles,
    Project Papers, for CPSC 626, Computer Science Department,
    Note: the second paper contains source code,
    Texas A&M University, 1998:
    Image of inner n cube with hamiltonian cycles
    • Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in the Inner Cube of an n-Cube [pdf]
    • Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in the Inner n-Cube [pdf]

Robotic Motion Planning

  • Robotic Motion Planning Applied to Word Ladder Problems,
    Project Paper, CPSC 689, Computer Science Department,
    Note: Appendix contains source code,
    Texas A&M University, 2002: [pdf]